Integrative Counselling
& Psychotherapy
& Clinical Supervision

"The man who says he can, and the man who says he cannot... are both correct."
Being Integrative not only allows me the flexibility of working with various techniques but also within different modalities. My specific approach is always tailored to my client's therapeutic needs as I recognise that each person is unique with a multitude of distinct experiences and feelings.
A Little Bit More About Me
I am a qualified Integrative Counsellor, a Psychotherapist or sometimes simply called a Therapist. I offer a safe and compassionate space where you can explore things you may never have talked about before.
My priority is to provide a confidential, empathic and accepting atmosphere in which you are free to question, reflect upon and express your true and unique self. Through a relationship built on trust, we work together to find your way in the maze of life.
Areas I work in include but are not limited to ​
identity crisis and questioning a sense of self
dreaming and nightmares
I am especially interested in providing support for identity and personality issues. I can help you by creating an open, supportive and healing space to process your feelings and strengthen your identity. Together we explore your experiences and the way these shape the person you are and wish to become.
Unable to express or accept your true identity may generate a myriad of unwanted feelings such as guilt, low self-esteem or anger. Being in therapy helps you to uncover your strengths and develop new skills that will allow you to deal with the challenges that arise in life.
In our work together I offer you the benefit of creative techniques, such as ‘dreamwork’, ‘chair work’, ‘therapeutic journaling’ and using ‘images and symbols’.
"I am rooted,
but I flow."
Virginia Woolf
I offer weekly sessions which last for 50 minutes. And I am available to provide both open-ended and time-limited support.